
Audiobus: Routing live audio on iOS

Nochmal zum Thema Audiobus. Der Music-App Markt wartet gespannt auf das neue Feature. Wird es die mobile Musikproduktion umkrempeln?
Auf Synthopia.com gibt es dazu ein Interview mit den App Entwicklern Sebastian Dittmann und Tim Webb


"When we’re talking about iOS and music we’re mainly talking about the iPad – a tablet – and Android tablets make up less than 3% of all Android devices."


"Audiobus is the missing link between having a MIDI source tell your apps to sing, and having a multi-track app record them all. Now, the apps that are being driven by your MIDI source can all be directed, through Audiobus, to send their audio to the recorder’s inputs"

Audiobus Facts:
  • Audiobus is an app and a software development kit for iOS, designed to allow live, app-to-app streaming.
  • As of September 15, more than 450 developers have registered with the Audiobus developer registration system.
  • You can follow Audiobus development via the Audiobus site or Tumblr blog.
  • Audiobus is a joint venture between Sebastian Dittmann of Audanika and Michael Tyson of A Tasty Pixel.
  • Audiobus will initially be released under A Tasty Pixel’s App Store account.