
HD360: is this app the future of the album?

Read more about HD360: is this app the future of the album? at MusicRadar.com

The demise of the album has been predicted so many times over the past decade that its continued survival almost feels like some kind of administrative mistake. However, it is true to say that, as digital technology has enabled us to curate and stream our music rather than simply buy it in 10-track chunks presented by artists, sales of the traditional long player have been on the slide.

But record companies were never going to allow the lucrative album format to go without a fight. So, over the past few years, they've come up with various attempts to make it more attractive to customers.

One concept that's frequently been explored is that of the 'album app', and the latest platform for this is known as HD360. Compatible with iPad and iPhone, this was launched earlier this year,


Read more about HD360: is this app the future of the album? at MusicRadar.com