
The best carbs for cycling - what to eat and when

Carbohydrates sometimes get a bad press, but the right carbs at the right time are the cyclist’s friend. Research from the University of Bath in the UK shows that athletes who drank carbohydrate sports drinks during an Olympic distance triathlon improved their performance times.
“We showed that ingesting a relatively high concentration of carbohydrates, as opposed to taste-matched water, during the cycle section resulted in a significant improvement in subsequent run performance,” explains University of Bath’s lead researcher Dr Kerry McGawley.
The study shed new light on the topic of energy conversion from carbohydrates and the optimum ways of creating energy from carbs – as well as tasting loads of sweet things in the process.

Good carbs vs bad carbs
The selection of energy drinks, gels and bars on the market is bewildering. To see what works best it’s useful to look at the hierarchy of energy – and how we get it from our food. We explain below how your body converts food into glucose (blood sugars), which in turn provides the fuel for the body’s energy.
The production of energy from carbs is also affected by the type of carbs you’re taking in. You can control the rate at which your energy supply flows by eating certain types of carbohydrate.
Energy-containing foods are now classed by their position on the glycemic index (GI). This is a rating of food types that gives each one a score according to its effect on the body’s glucose levels as it’s digested over a two-hour time span.

What to eat and when

Muscles can store enough glucose for up to 120 minutes of high-intensity exercise

How carbs are converted into fuel

Your carb intake plan

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