
Audiobus 2 - ab 2014

Post von Audiobus

"One year ago we launched Audiobus.

We thought this would be a good time to give you an advance look at some (but not all!) of the new features in Audiobus 2.

Audiobus 2 will be capable of running as many apps in parallel or in series as your device can handle. That’s right: Multiple, independent pipelines with as many inputs, filters or outputs as you like in each. We're doing away with any restrictions. This feature will be available as a very reasonably priced in-app purchase.

Check out this video which offers a glimpse of some of these new features.

We're also introducing a way to save presets of your connection graphs and share them via mail or your social networks.

Audiobus 2 will have a brand new look which enables us to add additional features more easily in the future and which we think looks really great and in tune with the design of iOS 7.

Audiobus 2 will be made available as an update to the existing Audiobus app.

If you’d like to talk about this with other Audiobus users, you can do so on our forum. There you can also find more screenshots and animated gifs of the new interface in action.

The Audiobus Team"