
Chase Bliss Audio Warped Vinyl HiFi Review

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am morally obligated to be honest and say that not only do I LOVE Chase Bliss Audio’s work, I like everyone on the Chase Bliss team on a personal level. You’re free to call bias, but let’s be real: we’re all CBA fan-folk. You can’t love guitar pedals and not be. From the very first Warped Vinyl to today’s Warped Vinyl HiFi, everything Joel and the rest of the Chase Bliss team altruistically toils away to serve the undeserving worms that we are is almost guaranteed to blow us away. And some of us will even take a break from the “will I/won’t I” nail-biting and pull the trigger on tossing a portion (or the sum) of our savings into a Tonal Recall or Brothers, consequences be damned.
Earlier in December 2017, CBA made it even more difficult to remain frugal. In a totally unexpected announcement, Joel & Co. put the world on notice: the third (and likely ultimate) Warped Vinyl pedal was to be released with “HiFi” attached to the moniker. In the face of this news I was, like my gear nerd brethren everywhere, floored, then inquisitive as to why Chase Bliss chose to reissue the pedal a third time. Of course I made plans to get one of these in my hands by any means necessary.
We’ve reviewed both the Warped Vinyl and Warped Vinyl MKII, so to avoid beating a dead horse, I plan to focus on what has changed in the Warped Vinyl HiFi in this review rather than expounding in great detail the features that have always been there. I will say before we get started: this is more than just an alternate skin.

You can see the Hold switch in action in Chase Bliss’s demo featuring Zack Warpinski here:

The Chase Bliss Audio Warped Vinyl HiFi is a serene work of beauty that offers unparalleled audio fidelity and tonal options in a compact all-analog chorus/vibrato pedal. To put it in musical parlance, the HiFi is not Chase Bliss experiencing a case of megalomania; it’s more a thematic variation, a reharmonization of a prevailing melody. With the addition of the Hold switch and Lag knob, the Warped Vinyl HiFi adds a new element of control and flexibility that was missing from the classic formula, and the added bonus of that cleaner signal path should convince any past doubters who weren’t feeling the lo-fi vibe. Is it good enough to be the LAST Warped Vinyl? That’s not my call to make, and I’d never presume to assume that that’s the case. All I know is that the updates are significant enough to differentiate the HiFi from its forebears, and in my opinion, forward-thinking enough to justify discontinuing the MKII with no regrets. You can still accomplish most of the tones that the last two models could, but now you don’t need to relinquish signal clarity. So for all we know, it may not be the last Warped Vinyl, but it’s definitely the cleanest and most refined to date. At any rate, it’s the best analog chorus/vibrato pedal of it’s kind in my book.
That concludes our review of the Warped Vinyl HiFi by Chase Bliss Audio. Thanks for reading!
The post Chase Bliss Audio Warped Vinyl HiFi Review appeared first on Best Guitar Effects - Reviews of the Best Guitar Pedals & Gear.

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